Line Trimmer Accessories

Line Trimmer Spool Suits RLT36B33 & RLT36X33


I/N: 0296966
$ 18.90

Price correct as of 20th June 2024, 09:30am.

This page is for product information only and item/s may be unavailable for purchase, contact your local Bunnings store for availability/price.

The RYOBI RAC1207 suits RLT36B33 & RLT36X33. It is the latest generation of user friendly Line Trimmer heads. This head has been specifically designed to make reloading the spool as simple and easy as possible. The reloading process is as follows:

-Line up the arrows on top of the cartridge to the eyelets and feed line in from one side to the other, then pull it through until it is even.

-Rotate the spool casing anti clockwise and watch the line wind onto the spool.


This user friendly design eliminates the frustration of the line tangling, flying off or twisting and best of all can be done in as little as a few minutes. Drop into store and ask your friendly Bunnings team member for a demonstration.

-Twin Feed 2.0mm Line

-Bump feed spool

-330mm Cutting Path


  • feature default fallback image

    Bump feed line system

  • Icon: hyper green rabbit jumping on a black background

    Quick and easy line replacement without the need to remove head

  • feature default fallback image

    Compatible with following models - RLT36B33, RLT36X33

Line Trimmer Spool Suits RLT36B33 & RLT36X33
    Bump Feed Trimmer Head thumbnail
    Bump Feed Trimmer Head
    Head Type
    Head Type
    Bump Feed

    There are currently no manuals available. If you need further support, please contact us.
